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When Do Dogs Go Through Puberty? Goodbye Puppyhood

adolescent dog in front of tree

As dogs grow, they go through a period of transition from puppy-hood to adulthood known as puberty. During this time, they experience physical and behavioral changes that can be quite dramatic. Puberty typically begins between the ages of six and eighteen months for most breeds, though smaller breeds tend to enter it earlier than larger ones. When dogs go through puberty and as their hormones fluctuate, dogs may display increased sexual drive or behaviours associated with mating, aggression or behavioural outbursts, restlessness or disobedience and other signs of adolescent behavior.

Dogs go through puberty between the ages of 6 and 18 months, depending on their breed. Smaller breeds tend to enter puberty earlier than larger ones. Puberty marks a period of rapid physical and behavioral changes as dogs transition from puppy-hood into adulthood. During this time, they may experience hormonal fluctuations, increased sexual drive and behaviours associated with mating, behavioural outbursts or aggression, and other signs of adolescent behavior such as increased restlessness or disobedience.

It is important that pet owners are aware of these changes so they can provide the necessary care and guidance during this challenging stage in their dog’s life. Early socialization, proper training techniques and plenty of exercise will help ease the transition into adulthood for your pup. By being mindful of the physical and behavioral changes that occur during puberty in dogs, pet owners can ensure their dog’s transition into adulthood is a smooth and enjoyable experience.

When is a dog not a puppy anymore?

Puppyhood typically ends at around 6-12 months for most breeds. During this time, your pup will begin to exhibit signs of impending adolescence such as increased hormones, sexual drive, maturing behaviour and instincts. These behaviours may include marking territory with urine or feces, roaming in search of a mate, extended exploratory walks outside the house without wanting to return home and even aggressive outbursts towards other animals or people. Around this age is also when neutering or spaying should be considered if it has not already been done. Neutering/spaying can help reduce the occurrence of these behaviours and ensure that your pup does not contribute to pet overpopulation.

What to expect when dogs go through puberty

Knowing when and what to expect during your dog’s puberty can make the transition from puppyhood to adulthood smoother for both you and your pup. If you find yourself overwhelmed by changes in behaviour or reactions, consider seeking advice from a qualified animal behaviourist as they may be able to provide guidance on how best to manage any issues. With patience, understanding and proper training, motivating through positive reinforcement methods, your pup will soon become a well-adjusted adult canine companion!

adolescent dog in front of tree

Male dog puberty signs

Generally speaking, male dogs will begin to show signs of puberty between six and twelve months of age. These can vary from breed to breed, however, some changes you may see during this time include:

• Increased energy levels

• Hormonal changes leading to increased dominance or aggression

• Exploration of new territory, barking and digging

• Mood swings

• Mounting behaviour in both males and females as they become more sexually mature.

• Increase in size (taller, wider chest)

• An Increase in aggressiveness – especially towards other males

• Raise in testosterone production by testicles or prostate glands

• Increased scent marking behaviour – this can include urinating on furniture and other objects around the house.

During this period it is important to provide your pup with a consistent routine including regular exercise, training and socialisation. Additionally, neutering or spaying should be considered carefully by all owners to help reduce behavioural issues, discourage undesirable mating behaviours and/or prevent litters of puppies. If you desire a litter of puppies then make sure you have stud contracts and arrangements in place first.

Female dog puberty signs

A list of signs your female dog is going through puberty:

• Changes in her body shape

• Increased energy levels

• More interest in sniffing and marking of territory

• Swelling and discharge from the vulva

• Restlessness, vocalising and even aggression towards other dogs.

It is important to note that pubertal changes typically begin during late puppyhood

These generally appear between the ages of 6 and 24 months. In male dogs, signs can start from as young as 4 months old, but usually occur between 9 and 12 months. These physical and behavioural changes mark the beginning of a dog’s transition into adulthood.

As owners it is important to be aware of these changes so that we can best support our pup during this period. Understanding why your pup is behaving the way they are will help you to provide them with the guidance and reassurance they need to get through puberty successfully.

Overall, puberty marks an exciting time in a dog’s life as they grow into their adult selves! With some understanding and patience, owners can help make this transition a positive experience for both pups and humans.

It is important to remember that every dog is different, so the age at which they enter puberty will vary depending on individual breed, size and overall health. The best thing you can do for your pup during this time is provide them with consistent structure and lots of love! Additionally, seek out guidance from a professional pet behaviourist or vet if needed.

In Conclusion

With patience and understanding, you will be able to help make sure your pup has a positive experience as they go through their adolescent years. All in all, it’s important to recognize the signs of canine puberty and understand what steps to take in order to ensure your pup’s safety and well-being during this critical period of development. By following the guidelines outlined above and providing your furry companion with extra care and attention during this transitional period, you will be able to make sure that everything runs smoothly for your pup as they enter adulthood. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about canine puberty! Good luck!