Naming a three-legged dog is an incredibly special moment, and the perfect name can truly honor your pup’s unique physical attribute. Whether you’re looking for something that reflects their resilience or just want to go with something fun, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some great three legged dog names for your new pooch.
From names inspired by myths and legends to those that reflect their disability, here are some great ideas for 3-legged dog names that will help you find the perfect moniker for your beloved pup!
Here are my favorites:

- Tripod: This might be one of the most obvious three-legged dog names, but it is also one of the best. It’s simple and straightforward, and it perfectly captures your pup’s unique physical attribute.
- Stumpy: If you want to go with a funny name that celebrates your pup’s disability, this is an excellent choice. It may not sound very nice on its own, but many people view it as an affectionate nickname for their three-legged pooch!
- Pirate: A great option for those looking for something a bit whimsical and fun. Plus, there are plenty of punny pirate-themed names out there if you want to get creative!
- Phoenix: This one is perfect for honoring your pup’s strength and resilience. The mythical phoenix bird is seen as a symbol of rebirth, so it’s the perfect name for a three-legged dog who has overcome adversity in life
- Trip: A great option if you want to go with something short and sweet that still captures your pup’s special attribute. Plus, it can also be used as an affectionate nickname!
Here are some more gems: Ace, Amigo, Bandit, Braveheart, Captain, Courage, Diesel, Digger, Flash, Freckles, Gizmo, Hopscotch, Karma, Lucky Lucky Man/Lucky Lady/Lucky Girl/Boy Maverick. Murphy, Ninja Panda. Ranger Rebel Rocket Rocky Saint Scamp Skipper Spirit Trooper Tripod Turbo Viggo Viking Warrior Winston Xena Yakima Zeus Ziggy and Zoomer.
Here is a big list of three-legged dog names to look through and pick from:
- Tri-pod
- Tripawd
- Lucky
- Hop-Along
- Pegleg
- Captain Hook
- Threepeater
- Stumpy
- Tri-pawed Wonder
- Courage
- Ace
- Faith
- Hero
- Inspiration
- Journey
- Koda
- Maverick
- Phoenix
- Rocky
- Storm
- Turbo
- Victory
- Zeus
- Apollo
- Bolt
- Cruiser
- Dexter
- Eclipse
- Finn
- Gizmo
- Hunter
- Kodiak
- Leo
- Milo
- Ninja
- Orion
- Ranger
- Sage
- Titan
- Ulysses
- Viking
- Whiskey
- Xander
- Yellow
- Zephyr
- Alpha
- Blaze
- Duke
- Echo
- Ginger
- Harper
- Indy
- Jack
- Nico
- Oscar
- Remy
- Uber
- Vega
- Willow
More inspiration from famous one-legged characters (or impaired ones)
- Long John Silver from “Treasure Island” (muppet or otherwise!)
- Captain Hook from “Peter Pan”
- Dr. Strangelove from “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”
- Captain Ahab from “Moby-Dick”
- The pirate LeChuck from “Monkey Island” video games
- Jake Sully from “Avatar”
Very literal names for handicapped dogs
Words and names for a three-legged dog that literally mean 3:
- Tricia
- Trixie
- Trina
- Trudy
- Tripp
- Trey
- Tristan
- Tracey
- Trudie
- Trudith
- Trudee
- Triada
- Triquetra
- Triquet
- Trivia
- Trivium
- Triplex
- Triplicate
- Triplicity
- Triune
- Triad
- Trinity
- Triple
- Tripartite
- Triadic
- Ternary
- Triumvirate
- Triangular
- Trebling
- Triangulate
- Trine
- Trilateral
- Triangulum
- Triunity
No matter which three-legged dog name you choose for your pup in the end – ultimately the most important thing is that it reflects your pup’s unique personality and specialness! So take some time to think about what best suits him or her —you’ll know when you find that
No matter which three-legged dog name you choose, make sure it truly reflects the unique spirit of your beloved pet. With these ideas, you are sure to find the perfect moniker for your new pooch in no time!
Naming a three-legged dog is an incredibly special moment that requires thought and consideration. It’s not only important to find a name that your pup loves, but also one that reflects their unique physical attribute in some way. Whether you’re looking for something funny or something more meaningful, there are plenty of options out there to choose from. Here are some great three legged dog names for your new pooch – they’re sure to bring joy and inspiration!